Touch Screen Menu Installation At Wokooshii Restaurant

Wookishi restaurant manchester

Touch Screen Menu Installation At Wokooshii Restaurant

The full menu for this Chinese/Korean restaurant features over 75 dishes, plus specials and offers. The solution has a more manageable 16, with an emphasis to discover the rest. It also still shows offers and specials but now has HD video of food being made and served – this firstly makes you hungry then allows customers to explore more and discover new dishes. The restaurant also still has local control for showing offers and specials. All presented in a very familiar format, the reaction we have had so far has been very positive

This solution was ideal for this restaurant, in a very competitive environment, where creating an advantage can make the difference. Our approach is always to provide solutions to make the best use of technology to add to your customers experience. This will be from choosing the right content and hardware, to updating and maintenance..



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